Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!!

Hope every one has a Merry Christmas!

I got the results back of my MRI. They didn't find anything. This is good, but also frusterating. I am just going to take things day by day I guess. I have trouble sleeping. Which is prob why i am blogging at 12 in the morning lol.

I am not sure what to talk about. Some times I feel like I am not the same as I used to be. And it really sucks. I miss being happy, its not that I feel depressed, I really dont know how I feel. I hate being dizzy all the time, I miss being able to do things that I used to.

I also don't like complaining ( I know I just was) because in this world, I know some people are suffering.

It's really hard to type on a lap top. My lap is also getting really warm.

I need to finish applying to schools.

I relize I have a lot of uncomplete thoughts.

We got a lot of snow. I wrote my name in the snow, but then when I came home from work it was gone because it snowed more!! arrgh. I enjoy snow some times. I just wish it wasn't so cold. Me and some friends are going to get together and go sledding soon, so that should be fun.

Michelle and I are going out of town during break. That will be fun. We are going to go shopping and visit her cousins and aunt and uncle. I am really looking forward to it.

Speaking of looking forward to things, I am really excited for vegas. As much as I am looking forward to it, its going to be sad when it comes. That means High School is done. I really do enjoy school overall. I have awesome friends, I like learning new things.

Looking forward to things is always good, but I have to remind myself that the present is just as important as the future. Enjoy the present because it goes really fast.

When we are kids, we want to grow up so bad... but when we are adults we want to go back to being kids.

I live my life knowing that when I die, I will be happy with what I have done in this world. I just remember that when I am having tough times...

I recently got this in an email. You should watch it, a lot of good points in this.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Doctor Today

Today I go to the doctor to get my MRI. I get out of school at 1:45pm. I am sort of nervous. I don't know what to expect really. Its hard for me to sit still for long periods of time too. Hopefully all will go well.

In gym we are playing broom ball! That is a lot of fun. I have only fallen once. Ouch it hurt too!! Today we split the teams so that was a lot of fun. Next semester I am in adventure education. We get to rock climb and go on our schools rope course, zip line thing. I am not sure what it is called, but it looks like a lot of fun.

Not sure really what to post about. I am in the schools composium right now. Maybe I will post later! Heres a line from a song that I like:

Every new beginning comes from some other beginngs end.


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Not creative

I can't think of a title.

Anyway, I worked today. It was fun in the morning because we had Santa Paws there. We had a lot of dogs come in to get their picture taken. Oh yea one hamster too! I was hoping some farm animal would come in, but no luck haha.

I am sort of procrastanating on my serial killer paper!!! It will get done though.

We have tons of lights in our house! There is soo many! It's pretty though.

I got some results back from the doctor. I don't have Lymes, or the other tick diease, I also dont have that joint diease, I don't know what it is called. I don't know what's wrong with me. Tuesday I have my MRI so I guess I will see what happens then. I am kind of frusterated, but theres nothing I can do really so I am just trying to stay positive.

Anyway so I am not really sure what to blog about, so I took this quiz:

Get to know me a little better. The questions that really help you to know me. Have fun.
If you could live in any other place, where & why?I really like where I live, Just wish the winters were better.
What animal best represents you & why?Oh boy, I dont really know..
What is the craziest thing you ever did?I walked through our field with out shoes or socks and there was a lot of snow. Stupid not crazy.
If you could meet anyone, who would it be & why?Even though he's dead, John Ritter. He is so funny! Awesome guy.
If you could go back in time & live in any decade, which would it be & why?Thats hard to say.
If you could have any superpower what would it be?I dont know.
Whos is your ultimate celebrity crush?Wilford Brimley ((Not really haha))
What color best represents you?Blue? its my fav i guess
What would your life's theme song be?Threes company
Who would you cast to play you in a movie?i dont know!!
What celebrity best represents your vision of fashion?Anyone that dresses decent
What would your life movie be called?blaahh i dont know again
What is the greatest music video of all time?I like Green Day's music vids
If you could star in any t.v. show, which one would it be?I want to be on a game show!
What vehicle best represents you?My two speed bike :P
If you could bring back 1 famous person from the dead for a day, who & why?John Ritter! Because he died to quick. Let him say goodbye to his family and friends
If you became president, what would you do first?Something with equal rights
If you got one tattoo, what would it be?something meaningful
If you were on MTV's Made, what would you ask to be?Some sport prob, drums maybe?
Who do you think is the hottest athlete?Brett favre
Who do you think is the hottest actor/actress?For an old guy, Howie Mandel isnt bad
Who do you think is the hottest musician/singer/rapper?My buddy Bram
Who do you think is the hottest t.v. reality star?Hmm not sure
What sport best represents you & why?air hockey :P I dont know why.
What is your most missed memory of childhood?Having a solid family.
What is your greatest accomplishment?All of the volunteering I've done over the years.
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

Anyway, if I don't blog, have a good holiday season!

Ps- I don't know why, but the old blog posts times arent right!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Long day

I am happy Michelle posted! Good job! :P I am looking forward to break. It will be fun. My appointment took awhile yesterday. Here is what I know. They are testing me for Lymes, some other tick disease that starts with E and with a joint disease. On tuesday I have a MRI to see if I have a cyst or Brain tumor. I might of been born with a cyst on my brain and not know it and now its creating problems. Who knows. I will say more as I learn more.

School is still going fine. I have to write a paper on two serial killers. It is an interesting subject, but its really gross. I am writing about Albert Fish and Jeffrey Dahmer. I have to compare how they are alike and how they aren't.

Oh and from last post, my gym teacher marked me absent insted of the right person. I wasn't in trouble or anything, they just had to make sure I wasn't skipping.

Work is still fine

I bought a palm tree in flordia when I went, well it was growing really well. I woke up two days ago and one of the cats ate my palm tree. It was just starting to grow bigger too. Oh well :(

Have a great week!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas is coming

Hello! So this is the first time I have actually posted a blog not being with Kylee. Sad, huh? Well anyway, today my grandma (the one going to vegas with us!!) and I were looking at the prices and hoping to purchase our tickets. Needless to say, the prices went back up! Arg. I was angry. We are just going to look tomorrow and then hopefully if the prices went down, we can get them then.

Christmas is coming up so quick! It's weird to think that we have the rest of this week and next week and we will be done for 2007. It is a much needed break though! On the 26th, me and Kylee are going to Neenah to babysit my cousins, Erin and Katie for the rest of the week. And then on that Saturday, we are going to the mall there and hopefully buying our senior ball dresses! Neither of us have found dates, so we decided that if that stays the same until then, we are going to take eachother. But anyway, we got our Christmas tree today, and I started wrapping some presents tonight. I just love the Christmas time of year. The music, decorations, and giving and receiving gifts. But the most important part is Jesus' birth!

Today Kylee had her appointment with her neurologist. I don't (and they don't either) have to much info to share, but I do know that they are going to be getting her to do some physical therapy so she gets off her medicines for a while. Next Tuesday she is also going back to the neurologist for an MRI. Keep her in your prayers!

Well that should do it for me. Hopefully I will be able to blog a little more often... can't guarentee anything though. lol.

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hey there


I've been sorta busy. Kind of, I want to blog more, but I just seem not too. Hopefully I will though, I know I said that before!

Lets see whats new with me... Work is going well over all I guess. It's not my most favorite thing to do because it's repetitive at times. Other than that, I really like the people I work with, they make working fun.

School is going well. Recently I was at UWSP for a writers workshop. My story got accepted. 530 people submited and 100 got chosen, so I guess thats kinda cool. I will post my story at the end of this post. One thing I didn't like about the workshop, we didn't get any feed back.

A couple of weeks ago I met the local morning news crew. That was a lot of fun and it was cool to see how everything worked. Everyone there was really nice.

The weather here is really cold. A couple of days ago we got a lot of snow. I think its here to stay for now. I guess thats okay.

One of my friends got a kitten from the barn. I am really glad she did. Usaully cats at the barn don't stick around long, it's nice knowing that the kitty (smokay) is in a good home.

I am getting excited to go to vegas this summer with michelle. That is going to be a lot of fun. We need to buy tickets soon though! We are staying at her great uncles. That cuts the cost of a hotel. He has a nice place too.

I have a doctors appointment after school today. They are going to take blood and see if I still have H pylori. ( I think thats how its spelled) I really hope I don't anymore. The medicine for it makes me sick. A also have an appointment with the nerulogist (sp??) the 10th of december to see if they can figure out what is wrong with me. ( Besides the H-pylori)

Anyway thats pretty much all thats new with me. Im in the composium and I just got a slip to go down to the principals office I wonder why! I will post my story later I gotta go!
