Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Long time

This happens a lot, I take a long break from blogging. I don't mean to, it just happens I guess. I have been very busy with school, and doctor appointments. On the medical side, I think things are looking up. I went to a lymes doctor in Fon du Lac, it was a good appointment. He is pretty sure I have lymes, but we have to wait for the blood test to come back. Besides lyme, he thinks something else is going on. Also at the appointment I found I am lacking in some nutrients. Zinc and vitamin D to name a few. So right now I am on 6 supplients, and three oils. I guess oils are good for every one to take. Right now I take a tablespoon of Cod liver, Coconut and extra virgin olive oil every day. The Evoo tastes really bad! The others are fine. Also, I am 45 percent water, when I should be 60 percent. There is a whole bunch of stuff I learned, its hard to absorb it all.
I cant believe school is almost done!! I am going to miss it so much. It will be weird not to go back. I will be moving into michelles house pretty soon. My mom got promoted in a different town. She is excited about that. Things are going to change so much it is going to be really weird.
I will try to post more often...No promises though :P

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