Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Its been awhile...Again...ha
Once again it has been along time since posting. A lot has changed since the last post. We graduated High School, went to vegas, I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease, Histoplasmosis, and strep in my blood. Theres so much to post about. Eventually I should get this updated. But if I stop posting for awhile dont be surprised lol. In two weeks Michelle and I are starting College. That should be interesting!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
RIP Rusty
It has been a really long day. About two hours ago our kitty rusty died...I love him so much. He was such a good kitty and had tons of quirks. We wanted to put him to sleep, but we called 5 or 6 vets in our area and no one would do it. The one place that said they would do it said we would have to drop him off and they could get to it later. We just couldn't do that. They wouldn't of let us be with him and i didnt want him dieing alone with people who could care less about him. So I stayed with him petting him and trying to comfort him. It was one of the hardest days of my life seeing him die. we barried him tonight too. I think at work I will buy a nice plant or something..maybe some flowers i dont really know.
I just remember all the good times...He would beg for food worse than teddy does. He would love to play in teddys water bowl. Rusty would stick his little paws in it and splash around. When he was really silly he would just run around the house trying to jump up the wall, or climb the door frame. We called him Rusty roo some times cuz he would jump around like a little kangaroo. He was also the most affectionate cat. Whenever I was sad he would come into my room or where ever I was and he would lay on my hand or arm and just purr and purr. He sometimes would lick the tears off my cheek too. Rusty loved to hug things. Right now my profile pic is rusty hugging my stuffed bear buddy. That picture wasnt forced or anything..he did it on his own.
I will miss seeing rusty look out the window or meowing at the birds. Its kinda weird because rusty was a lot like petey. Petey was the cat we had before rusty. Rusty and pete were so similar. They both had this little white spot on there bellies in the same place, and they acted the same. Its really weird cuz the both died at the same age. Rusty died in may and petey in june. Theres so many similarities that its weird.
I just remember that he is no longer suffering.
I will miss him so much...
I just remember all the good times...He would beg for food worse than teddy does. He would love to play in teddys water bowl. Rusty would stick his little paws in it and splash around. When he was really silly he would just run around the house trying to jump up the wall, or climb the door frame. We called him Rusty roo some times cuz he would jump around like a little kangaroo. He was also the most affectionate cat. Whenever I was sad he would come into my room or where ever I was and he would lay on my hand or arm and just purr and purr. He sometimes would lick the tears off my cheek too. Rusty loved to hug things. Right now my profile pic is rusty hugging my stuffed bear buddy. That picture wasnt forced or anything..he did it on his own.
I will miss seeing rusty look out the window or meowing at the birds. Its kinda weird because rusty was a lot like petey. Petey was the cat we had before rusty. Rusty and pete were so similar. They both had this little white spot on there bellies in the same place, and they acted the same. Its really weird cuz the both died at the same age. Rusty died in may and petey in june. Theres so many similarities that its weird.
I just remember that he is no longer suffering.
I will miss him so much...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Long time
This happens a lot, I take a long break from blogging. I don't mean to, it just happens I guess. I have been very busy with school, and doctor appointments. On the medical side, I think things are looking up. I went to a lymes doctor in Fon du Lac, it was a good appointment. He is pretty sure I have lymes, but we have to wait for the blood test to come back. Besides lyme, he thinks something else is going on. Also at the appointment I found I am lacking in some nutrients. Zinc and vitamin D to name a few. So right now I am on 6 supplients, and three oils. I guess oils are good for every one to take. Right now I take a tablespoon of Cod liver, Coconut and extra virgin olive oil every day. The Evoo tastes really bad! The others are fine. Also, I am 45 percent water, when I should be 60 percent. There is a whole bunch of stuff I learned, its hard to absorb it all.
I cant believe school is almost done!! I am going to miss it so much. It will be weird not to go back. I will be moving into michelles house pretty soon. My mom got promoted in a different town. She is excited about that. Things are going to change so much it is going to be really weird.
I will try to post more often...No promises though :P
I cant believe school is almost done!! I am going to miss it so much. It will be weird not to go back. I will be moving into michelles house pretty soon. My mom got promoted in a different town. She is excited about that. Things are going to change so much it is going to be really weird.
I will try to post more often...No promises though :P
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Root Beer kegger
Wow! I cannot believe the ammount of publicity this video is getting. Kids at my school threw a root beer kegger party, cops showed up, everyone blew a zero. The video is on youtube and the news is spreading fast. This video will air on the season finale of Dr.Phil as well. Here are some links you can check out:
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Sad day for packer fans
Today is the day. Brett favre retired. :( I am sort of surprised by this. I will definatly miss his love for the game. He has so much fun while playing. He was like a little kid out there. But, he needs to do what is best for him. If he thinks it's time then it is.
Because I love Favre here are some facts about him.
*Most AP NFL MVP awards: 3 (1995, 1996, 1997)
*Most consecutive starts by a quarterback (NFL): 253[1] (275 including playoffs)
*Most wins by a starting quarterback (NFL) regular season career: 160
(Regular season record: 160-93)
*Most career passing touchdowns: 442
*Most career passing yards: 61,655
*Most career pass completions: 5,377
*Most career pass attempts: 8,758
*Most career interceptions thrown: 288
*Most career games with at least three touchdowns: 63
* Brett Favres first pass was to himself
*Brett was Sports Illustrated's 2007 Sportsman of the Year.
*He has a wife, Deanna, and two daughters, Brittany and Breleigh.
* He went to college to major in Special Education
*The 'Brett Favre Fourward Foundation' was established in 1996. Over the past eight years, in conjunction with his annual golf tournament, celebrity softball game and fundraising dinners, the foundation has donated in excess of $1.5 million to charities in his home state of Mississippi as well as to those in his adopted state of Wisconsin.
*Favre retires as the holder of most of the career NFL quarterback performance records, including passing yards (61,655), passing attempts (8,758), passing completions (5,377), consecutive games started (253), games won as starting quarterback (160), and touchdown passes (442). Incredibly, Favre did not miss a start after replacing an injured Don Majkowski in the third game of the 1992 regular season.
It will be interesting to see what is to come of the Packers. Hopefully all will be well! Brett Favre will always be my favorite QB.
Because I love Favre here are some facts about him.
*Most AP NFL MVP awards: 3 (1995, 1996, 1997)
*Most consecutive starts by a quarterback (NFL): 253[1] (275 including playoffs)
*Most wins by a starting quarterback (NFL) regular season career: 160
(Regular season record: 160-93)
*Most career passing touchdowns: 442
*Most career passing yards: 61,655
*Most career pass completions: 5,377
*Most career pass attempts: 8,758
*Most career interceptions thrown: 288
*Most career games with at least three touchdowns: 63
* Brett Favres first pass was to himself
*Brett was Sports Illustrated's 2007 Sportsman of the Year.
*He has a wife, Deanna, and two daughters, Brittany and Breleigh.
* He went to college to major in Special Education
*The 'Brett Favre Fourward Foundation' was established in 1996. Over the past eight years, in conjunction with his annual golf tournament, celebrity softball game and fundraising dinners, the foundation has donated in excess of $1.5 million to charities in his home state of Mississippi as well as to those in his adopted state of Wisconsin.
*Favre retires as the holder of most of the career NFL quarterback performance records, including passing yards (61,655), passing attempts (8,758), passing completions (5,377), consecutive games started (253), games won as starting quarterback (160), and touchdown passes (442). Incredibly, Favre did not miss a start after replacing an injured Don Majkowski in the third game of the 1992 regular season.
It will be interesting to see what is to come of the Packers. Hopefully all will be well! Brett Favre will always be my favorite QB.
Brett Favre retires,
Green Bay Packers,
Monday, February 25, 2008
Paint and more paint
Yesterday work was fun, but tiring. First me and another co-worker had to take apart the peg board wall. I am not sure how to describe it, but it took about 4 hours. It was something that definatly could not be done alone. The taking apart thing would have been shorter, but as usual, a certain co-worker didn't show up. This time she didn't even call in. She does this a lot, but no action is taken. I think it would be better to fire her, and give the job to someone who really wants it and would show up to all their shifts. Anyway, so after we took the wall apart we had to paint it. First we had to go inbetween these little spaces, and the we could use a roller. There was 8 sections and we got 4 so thats not bad.
Today in gym we are learning more about how to rock climb, learning to belay properly, stuff like that. Let me tell you...It is a lot to remember, but I'm getting the hang of it. I think.
The weather has been pretty decent for the last couple of days. This week will be okay. It doesn't look like we are going to be getting much snow, but I think south of us will which is a shame because they have a lot!
I am ready for spring any time now. I miss warm weather! Thats all for now really...
I'm still trying to end each post with something like jokes/facts/quotes, so heres some facts about my state wisconsin.
The first practical typewriter was designed in Milwaukee in 1867.
Wausau is the Ginseng Capital of the World.
Noah's Ark in Wisconsin Dells is the nation's largest water-themed park. (tons of fun by the way!!!!)
Milwaukee is home of Harley Davidson Motorcycles
Green Bay is Wisconsin's oldest city
Have a good one!
Today in gym we are learning more about how to rock climb, learning to belay properly, stuff like that. Let me tell you...It is a lot to remember, but I'm getting the hang of it. I think.
The weather has been pretty decent for the last couple of days. This week will be okay. It doesn't look like we are going to be getting much snow, but I think south of us will which is a shame because they have a lot!
I am ready for spring any time now. I miss warm weather! Thats all for now really...
I'm still trying to end each post with something like jokes/facts/quotes, so heres some facts about my state wisconsin.
The first practical typewriter was designed in Milwaukee in 1867.
Wausau is the Ginseng Capital of the World.
Noah's Ark in Wisconsin Dells is the nation's largest water-themed park. (tons of fun by the way!!!!)
Milwaukee is home of Harley Davidson Motorcycles
Green Bay is Wisconsin's oldest city
Have a good one!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Stress!!!! Again!!!!
I have noticed that I am starting many of my posts with the word stress! I am so stressed at the momment. It was fine most of the day, but then some thing just sets it off. Heres what started it off now.
We have a sub in my Sci-Fi, so whoever the sub is in that class is the sub that goes to the Composium. Anyway, me and a friend were helping another friend with her paper. The sub tells this group of girls to be queit, so they tell the sub that we are being to loud. One, we weren't being loud, two, we were helping with a paper, three talking is aloud in the composium. It just bothers me that we get yelled at for being productive, but the other girls can talk all they want about nothing? Usually I don't talk back to teachers at all, but I told him that we weren't talking loud, and that we are aloud to talk in the composium.
That was pretty pointless to write about, but it was just irking me.
Today in gym we learned how to tie knots again, and how to get our harness on. Stuff like that. It went well.
Forensics also went well. We got 22 out of 25 all three rounds. Thats probably the best we have done from the years we've been doing it. I am also glad that we got a consistent score all three rounds. Its sort of frusterating when you get scores that are all over because then its hard to say how you are really doing.
have a good day!
We have a sub in my Sci-Fi, so whoever the sub is in that class is the sub that goes to the Composium. Anyway, me and a friend were helping another friend with her paper. The sub tells this group of girls to be queit, so they tell the sub that we are being to loud. One, we weren't being loud, two, we were helping with a paper, three talking is aloud in the composium. It just bothers me that we get yelled at for being productive, but the other girls can talk all they want about nothing? Usually I don't talk back to teachers at all, but I told him that we weren't talking loud, and that we are aloud to talk in the composium.
That was pretty pointless to write about, but it was just irking me.
Today in gym we learned how to tie knots again, and how to get our harness on. Stuff like that. It went well.
Forensics also went well. We got 22 out of 25 all three rounds. Thats probably the best we have done from the years we've been doing it. I am also glad that we got a consistent score all three rounds. Its sort of frusterating when you get scores that are all over because then its hard to say how you are really doing.
have a good day!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Todays the day!
Today is sub-district forensics...Hopefully it all goes well, which I'm sure it will.
Nothing to much going on today, its been pretty queit at school today. We are learning how to tie knots in gym. Thats going okay for me. Not sure really what else to write about today. I will prob post tonight or tomorrow how sub-district went!
have a good day!
Nothing to much going on today, its been pretty queit at school today. We are learning how to tie knots in gym. Thats going okay for me. Not sure really what else to write about today. I will prob post tonight or tomorrow how sub-district went!
have a good day!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I got home from school today, and noticed that the icicles keep on getting bigger! I wanted to see how long they were, but I couldn't find my tape measurer. It was really tough getting them off the roof, but I did. Let me tell you it wasn't easy! I had to stand on a step stool thing. As it falls down its kinda heavy. Not to bad though. Heres the biggest one:

I got some more icicles off the roof, and made a little some thing out of it. I don't really know what to call it.

Anyway, gym was fun, today we went rock climbing blind folded. That always makes things interesting! We had good spotters. We also start learning how to tie knots.
Well tomorrow is forensics sub-district. I am a little nervous now, but will be more tomorrow!!
have a good one!
I got some more icicles off the roof, and made a little some thing out of it. I don't really know what to call it.
Anyway, gym was fun, today we went rock climbing blind folded. That always makes things interesting! We had good spotters. We also start learning how to tie knots.
Well tomorrow is forensics sub-district. I am a little nervous now, but will be more tomorrow!!
have a good one!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Same old answer....
Once again I have had an unsuccessful doctors appointment. It took along time because the only thing the doctor did was talk. He talked for so long with out stopping that I just got really confused. I will give you the short of it. One, he said he wouldn't be able to treat me because I dont get the average 8 hours and 15 minutes of sleep. I usually get around 7 hours maybe 8. I've been sleeping like that my whole life. He was saying that my problems are from not getting the average amount of sleep. I told him I've been sleeping like that all my life, so if sleep is a problem, then why do I have the problems that I have now? He told me that he didn't know.
He also wouldn't do further tests for lyme on me. He kept saying its a "rare" chance. I don't care if its a rare chance or not, its still a chance. He talked for so long I dont even remember much of it now. He kept on going on so many different tangents. Then he asked if I wanted some tests now or at a different date. I told him now just to get done with it. Heres the thing, he spent so much time talking about what I probably don't have, and he didn't even explain what I was getting tested for. So as I waited to get my blood work done, I asked the nurse who was taking my blood if she knew what she was testing me for. She said some letters which I'm sure is a abreveation for something that basically translated into some thing with joints. I think. I don't know.
I can't express how frusterating it is to never get any answers or leads. What the doctors don't understand is how long this has been going on. We tell them but they just don't seem to get that being dizzy for 9 months isn't normal. I don't know if I've ever said what is wrong with me in any of my blog posts.
Heres the short of it, It started out about 9 months ago. At first I was just a little dizzy here and there. Not a big deal, I could handle it, I could still drive. As time went on, the dizziness hasn't stopped. I've been dizzy non stop for 9ish months. As I write this, I am dizzy. Now I know dizzy is a term thats sorta of broad, but if I explain what kinda dizzy I am, its gonna take a long time lol. Also, I have ice pick headaches and joint pain. It's shooting joint pain or lingering. It just depends on the day. Which is another thing that is frusterating. I can't find a constant. Anyway, thats the jist of it.
So whats next? I have a appointment with a Lyme specialist in april. I guess what bothers me the most is Doctors keep say its not Lyme, but they won't give me anything else that it could be. And I have only been tested once for Lyme. Keep in mind theres 300 different strains. I don't know if I have Lyme or not, but it would be nice to at least elimate it. Anyway. This is probably long enough.
Here is an interesting site: http://snopes.com/
It helps one find out if certain rumors in things are true/false, stuff like that, its really interesting. Have a good one:)
He also wouldn't do further tests for lyme on me. He kept saying its a "rare" chance. I don't care if its a rare chance or not, its still a chance. He talked for so long I dont even remember much of it now. He kept on going on so many different tangents. Then he asked if I wanted some tests now or at a different date. I told him now just to get done with it. Heres the thing, he spent so much time talking about what I probably don't have, and he didn't even explain what I was getting tested for. So as I waited to get my blood work done, I asked the nurse who was taking my blood if she knew what she was testing me for. She said some letters which I'm sure is a abreveation for something that basically translated into some thing with joints. I think. I don't know.
I can't express how frusterating it is to never get any answers or leads. What the doctors don't understand is how long this has been going on. We tell them but they just don't seem to get that being dizzy for 9 months isn't normal. I don't know if I've ever said what is wrong with me in any of my blog posts.
Heres the short of it, It started out about 9 months ago. At first I was just a little dizzy here and there. Not a big deal, I could handle it, I could still drive. As time went on, the dizziness hasn't stopped. I've been dizzy non stop for 9ish months. As I write this, I am dizzy. Now I know dizzy is a term thats sorta of broad, but if I explain what kinda dizzy I am, its gonna take a long time lol. Also, I have ice pick headaches and joint pain. It's shooting joint pain or lingering. It just depends on the day. Which is another thing that is frusterating. I can't find a constant. Anyway, thats the jist of it.
So whats next? I have a appointment with a Lyme specialist in april. I guess what bothers me the most is Doctors keep say its not Lyme, but they won't give me anything else that it could be. And I have only been tested once for Lyme. Keep in mind theres 300 different strains. I don't know if I have Lyme or not, but it would be nice to at least elimate it. Anyway. This is probably long enough.
Here is an interesting site: http://snopes.com/
It helps one find out if certain rumors in things are true/false, stuff like that, its really interesting. Have a good one:)
high school,
joint pain,
Monday, February 18, 2008
Snow Drift
I don't know where to start. This may become just a stress post mixed with other stuff. Yesterday, forensics practice went well for us. I am just really frusterated because I keep messing up the order of the lines. The other two years I've done this I haven't had a problem with it. I don't know if my medication is a factor or what, but it's just very frusterating for me.
As I was coming home from practice, I see what I thought was my mom stuck in our driveway (thanks snow plow>:() anyway, it turns out it was her boyfriend trying to get the car unstuck, and he was really angry and mad. He was making comments about leaving, I got scared. I didn't know if he ment just leaving for a hour or so because he was stressed and angry, or actually leaving leaving. I guess they got into a big fight. The snow blower also scratched his new car so he was mad about that. I dont really want to get into what the fight was about, but I was so sad/confused/scared when I thought he was leaving. I have trouble contecting with some male figures because of dad leaving and my step dad leaving. And I really like her boyfriend, and his kids, so the thought of losing more people really scares me.
I would have to say that is one of my biggest fears. I make good connections with people pretty easy. I guess its hard to explain. Basically I am really afraid that he might leave sometime (not because of this fight) but just because it could happen. By the end of the night they were fine, things are okay and normal again. But I guess it just triggers some old emotions that I really don't talk about much.
Anyway, some other stuff now..So when I am able too, I am thinking about getting a tattoo, but it's not going to be something cheesy that I wont like in two years, its going to be something that will always mean something to me. One of my ideas was to get the phrase "No Day But Today" By that I mean, theres no day but today to: love, laugh, live, enjoy, cherish, to make sure your living your life to the fullest, to believe in every thing you do. I could go on because I have a lot of examples, but I won't. I wanted a tattoo that would say all of that, but I didn't really know how to condence that. I believe its important to make sure each day of your life is lived to the fullest of your capabilities. Everyone should leave a positive impact on the world. so thats my thought.
I have my doctors appointment tomorrow. I am guessing they are just going to take blood to test for stuff. But I guess I will find out.
In sociology today, one thing we did is find out what presidential canidate we would most likely vote for. Or who we most agree with. www.votechooser.com if you are interested.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knock-knock_joke Just incase you want to know hwere the knock-knock jokes cae from.
have a good weekend!!!
As I was coming home from practice, I see what I thought was my mom stuck in our driveway (thanks snow plow>:() anyway, it turns out it was her boyfriend trying to get the car unstuck, and he was really angry and mad. He was making comments about leaving, I got scared. I didn't know if he ment just leaving for a hour or so because he was stressed and angry, or actually leaving leaving. I guess they got into a big fight. The snow blower also scratched his new car so he was mad about that. I dont really want to get into what the fight was about, but I was so sad/confused/scared when I thought he was leaving. I have trouble contecting with some male figures because of dad leaving and my step dad leaving. And I really like her boyfriend, and his kids, so the thought of losing more people really scares me.
I would have to say that is one of my biggest fears. I make good connections with people pretty easy. I guess its hard to explain. Basically I am really afraid that he might leave sometime (not because of this fight) but just because it could happen. By the end of the night they were fine, things are okay and normal again. But I guess it just triggers some old emotions that I really don't talk about much.
Anyway, some other stuff now..So when I am able too, I am thinking about getting a tattoo, but it's not going to be something cheesy that I wont like in two years, its going to be something that will always mean something to me. One of my ideas was to get the phrase "No Day But Today" By that I mean, theres no day but today to: love, laugh, live, enjoy, cherish, to make sure your living your life to the fullest, to believe in every thing you do. I could go on because I have a lot of examples, but I won't. I wanted a tattoo that would say all of that, but I didn't really know how to condence that. I believe its important to make sure each day of your life is lived to the fullest of your capabilities. Everyone should leave a positive impact on the world. so thats my thought.
I have my doctors appointment tomorrow. I am guessing they are just going to take blood to test for stuff. But I guess I will find out.
In sociology today, one thing we did is find out what presidential canidate we would most likely vote for. Or who we most agree with. www.votechooser.com if you are interested.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knock-knock_joke Just incase you want to know hwere the knock-knock jokes cae from.
have a good weekend!!!
life is to short,
Sunday, February 17, 2008
A double poster!
yes! It's true! Michelle is gonna post a blog!
Hey! Yea I know its been a while.. you know me.. busy busy busy. lol not really but yea I don't get on the internet too often because my dad has a password set on our computer so I can only go on the internet if its for homework.
So my life is pretty boring.. no new discoveries, or inventions to speak of. lol. i keep realizing how there is only a few months of school left and well be done with high school. It just hits me and ah i have never had such mixed feelings on something. I wanna graduate so bad but I don't want to leave all my friends and memories behind.
The good thing I am looking forward to though is that Kylee will be living with me because her family is moving to another city farther away from the college we are attending. And I cant forget Las Vegas! Its gonna be so great!
School has overall been pretty good. I still kind of regret taking more difficult classes this year but I keep telling myself that it will pay off next year. My friends make it worth while though. :)
I am in a class called Practical Foods and I love it so much. It is such a nice way to end my day and just eat lol cuz thats always good. And it is one of the only classes I have that is only seniors in it, which is also really nice.
Work is going alright. Kylee mentioned about all of the "drama" going on there which kind of sucks but I have talked to my dad who used to work there part time and he said just do your job and dont get tangled in with it. I try not to but it gets tough sometimes. I guess where ever you are, no matter if it's school, work or out in public even, there is gonna be drama...
So today its really snowing up a storm. I'm not gonna lie, I'm getting pretty sick of this crappy weather. I was kind of angry cuz we were at church today and Kylee and I were planning on going to subway and stop at a few stores but my dad was like no you can't drive at all today cuz of the crappy weather. I understand where he is coming from that he wants me to be safe and all but I'm gonna have to do it sometime and i have never proven them wrong yet; I'm gonna have to drive in it eventually, not to mention now my mom has to run me and kylee around town today.. oh well though. it could have at least snowed tonight so we would have a chance of a snowday lol. I just keep thinking of how nice spring is gonna be! It keeps me going.
Well like I said my life isn't too exciting but thats about it.. maybe i will post again soon. But, thats all I wrote haha.
**Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.**
I am happy she posted! I will probably post tonight. I have some things I wanna "type out loud." Just wanna write about stuff! See ya later!
PS-Ignore the times from this post down, they are all messed up haha. We fixed it now, so the correct time will be on from now on! :)
Hey! Yea I know its been a while.. you know me.. busy busy busy. lol not really but yea I don't get on the internet too often because my dad has a password set on our computer so I can only go on the internet if its for homework.
So my life is pretty boring.. no new discoveries, or inventions to speak of. lol. i keep realizing how there is only a few months of school left and well be done with high school. It just hits me and ah i have never had such mixed feelings on something. I wanna graduate so bad but I don't want to leave all my friends and memories behind.
The good thing I am looking forward to though is that Kylee will be living with me because her family is moving to another city farther away from the college we are attending. And I cant forget Las Vegas! Its gonna be so great!
School has overall been pretty good. I still kind of regret taking more difficult classes this year but I keep telling myself that it will pay off next year. My friends make it worth while though. :)
I am in a class called Practical Foods and I love it so much. It is such a nice way to end my day and just eat lol cuz thats always good. And it is one of the only classes I have that is only seniors in it, which is also really nice.
Work is going alright. Kylee mentioned about all of the "drama" going on there which kind of sucks but I have talked to my dad who used to work there part time and he said just do your job and dont get tangled in with it. I try not to but it gets tough sometimes. I guess where ever you are, no matter if it's school, work or out in public even, there is gonna be drama...
So today its really snowing up a storm. I'm not gonna lie, I'm getting pretty sick of this crappy weather. I was kind of angry cuz we were at church today and Kylee and I were planning on going to subway and stop at a few stores but my dad was like no you can't drive at all today cuz of the crappy weather. I understand where he is coming from that he wants me to be safe and all but I'm gonna have to do it sometime and i have never proven them wrong yet; I'm gonna have to drive in it eventually, not to mention now my mom has to run me and kylee around town today.. oh well though. it could have at least snowed tonight so we would have a chance of a snowday lol. I just keep thinking of how nice spring is gonna be! It keeps me going.
Well like I said my life isn't too exciting but thats about it.. maybe i will post again soon. But, thats all I wrote haha.
**Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.**
I am happy she posted! I will probably post tonight. I have some things I wanna "type out loud." Just wanna write about stuff! See ya later!
PS-Ignore the times from this post down, they are all messed up haha. We fixed it now, so the correct time will be on from now on! :)
Friday, February 15, 2008
That was tough!
Wow! Gym was a lot of fun today! It was also very challenging. Today we were on the climbing wall, but just going horizontal. At first we were just with our partners and just practing. Later we played a game where we had flags around the course and we had to climb certain heights to get them, but you had to make it across the whole wall. My arms are so sore! I knew it would talk arm strength, but till you climb across you dont know how much! It was tons of fun.
This weekend is going to be busy. Today I am going to Michelles sisters birthday party. Tomorrow I work, and sunday I have forensics practice.
Today in Sci-Fi we watching a newer Frankenstein. I think it was from 1995. It was really weird. I can't say it is a personal favorite of mine. I'm more into funny things not blood and gore.
Tuesday I have another doctor appointment. I am not sure what to expect or whats going to happen, but I guess I will find out.
Have a good one!
This weekend is going to be busy. Today I am going to Michelles sisters birthday party. Tomorrow I work, and sunday I have forensics practice.
Today in Sci-Fi we watching a newer Frankenstein. I think it was from 1995. It was really weird. I can't say it is a personal favorite of mine. I'm more into funny things not blood and gore.
Tuesday I have another doctor appointment. I am not sure what to expect or whats going to happen, but I guess I will find out.
Have a good one!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Slow day
I dont really have anything to interesting to blog about today. It has been a pretty slow day today. Gym class we were gonna go outside, but it was kinda cold so we just played basketball all hour after doing a team work activity.
Tonight I am going to another basketball game, I know that will be fun. Also have forensics practice tonight, hopefully that will go well.
The chiropractor went well yesterday. It was nice going back. Maybe she will have some ideas for me.
In a little less then four months we graduate. I can't believe it! After all this time in school, and it's almost over. A part of me doesn't want it to end because I really do enjoy school, but another part is I can't even think about being stuck in high school the rest of my life. I am excited to move on, but scared. I know a lot of kids my age feel this.
anyway not sure what else to say. Here is some odd news:
have a good one!
Tonight I am going to another basketball game, I know that will be fun. Also have forensics practice tonight, hopefully that will go well.
The chiropractor went well yesterday. It was nice going back. Maybe she will have some ideas for me.
In a little less then four months we graduate. I can't believe it! After all this time in school, and it's almost over. A part of me doesn't want it to end because I really do enjoy school, but another part is I can't even think about being stuck in high school the rest of my life. I am excited to move on, but scared. I know a lot of kids my age feel this.
anyway not sure what else to say. Here is some odd news:
have a good one!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Good weekend
This weekend was pretty good over all. To start off, this is the first weekend I haven't worked, so that is nice. I also switched mondays so I don't work today either. On friday I went to our schools basketball game. That was fun. I love watching and playing sports. On saturday Michelle and I saw the movie Juno. We get extra credit it our sociology class if we see movies related to sociology in theatures. I would recommend Juno, but it is a movie where you could wait till it comes out to rent.
Sunday I went to church, that was good. I know some people just zone off in church, but I find the things our pastor relates to things interesting. I also went to the Jr. High. Thats always good as well. Practiced forensics and made snickerdoodle cookies. That was my weekend. Pretty good I'd have to say.
Before I was talking about church. Offten I think people feel like they have to be in church to be with god. I don't agree with that. Here is a good quote to show you what I mean.
"Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God." --Tony Blake
Now, when people go to church, I know a lot of people don't actually listen. They zone out, fall asleep, things of that nature. I think you can be in other places and still be with who you feel is the man upstairs.
Today in gym we did more trust activities. One I had trouble with. Not because I dont trust the people in my class, but with my dizzy and whatever is wrong with me, I have really bad balance.
We had a group of kids in a circle, and one person in the middle. The person in the middle says "spotters ready?" then the group says "Ready" and then the middle says "falling" and they group say "fall on" So basically you just fall down and the people in the circle push you to the next person. You have to keep your feet together. I did okay at it, but my balance is so bad! Ah well. It was fun.
We also played a game called tank tag. It starts with two people in a group. One is blind folded, one isn't. Next we have these balls that kinda look like yarn spread across in the room. If your the blind folded person, your partner tells you where to go and when to bend down to pick up the ball. After you have the ball they tell you where you throw it. The object is to hit the other blind folded people. It was a pretty fun game.
I have a chiroprator appointment today. That should be interesting. I haven't gone in awhile, atleast a year-ish. Maybe she will see somthing that other doctors havent.
I love fishing, so here are some fishing quotes I found interesting. :)
"Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains." --Henry DavidThoreau
"Give a man a fish, and he can eat for a day. But teach a man how to fish, and he'll be dead of mercury poisoning inside of three years." --Charles Haas
For the rich, there is therapy. For the rest of us, there is FISHING! --Unknown
have a good day!
Sunday I went to church, that was good. I know some people just zone off in church, but I find the things our pastor relates to things interesting. I also went to the Jr. High. Thats always good as well. Practiced forensics and made snickerdoodle cookies. That was my weekend. Pretty good I'd have to say.
Before I was talking about church. Offten I think people feel like they have to be in church to be with god. I don't agree with that. Here is a good quote to show you what I mean.
"Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God." --Tony Blake
Now, when people go to church, I know a lot of people don't actually listen. They zone out, fall asleep, things of that nature. I think you can be in other places and still be with who you feel is the man upstairs.
Today in gym we did more trust activities. One I had trouble with. Not because I dont trust the people in my class, but with my dizzy and whatever is wrong with me, I have really bad balance.
We had a group of kids in a circle, and one person in the middle. The person in the middle says "spotters ready?" then the group says "Ready" and then the middle says "falling" and they group say "fall on" So basically you just fall down and the people in the circle push you to the next person. You have to keep your feet together. I did okay at it, but my balance is so bad! Ah well. It was fun.
We also played a game called tank tag. It starts with two people in a group. One is blind folded, one isn't. Next we have these balls that kinda look like yarn spread across in the room. If your the blind folded person, your partner tells you where to go and when to bend down to pick up the ball. After you have the ball they tell you where you throw it. The object is to hit the other blind folded people. It was a pretty fun game.
I have a chiroprator appointment today. That should be interesting. I haven't gone in awhile, atleast a year-ish. Maybe she will see somthing that other doctors havent.
I love fishing, so here are some fishing quotes I found interesting. :)
"Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains." --Henry DavidThoreau
"Give a man a fish, and he can eat for a day. But teach a man how to fish, and he'll be dead of mercury poisoning inside of three years." --Charles Haas
For the rich, there is therapy. For the rest of us, there is FISHING! --Unknown
have a good day!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Check it out
Today in Sociology,we went to a website and watched a video. The video was very interesting, it is kind of like what I was talking about before where what would happen if the earths population went down to 1,000. Except in this video they do 100. It is a very good video so you all should check it out.
www.miniature-earth.com It will definatly make you think. And I like things like that.
I am really glad it is the weekend. It should be a fun one. Tonight we have forensics practice, then Michelle and I are going to stay at my house for a bit. After that we are going to go to the b-ball game. Michelle works on saturday, but we are going to see the movie Juno because if we see certain movies related to Sociology we can get extra credit. Sunday I dont know what I am gonna do.
This is the first weekend in a long time where I do not work the weekend. At all! Its going to be very odd not going. But thats what happens when hours get cut!
In about two weeks we have Forensics Sub-district. Then it goes district, then state! I am getting nervous, but I always do!
Maybe another post later tonight from michelle, but I'm not sure! Anyway here are come interesting facts I came across. I don't know if they are legit, but interesting.
If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there.
No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times. ( Thats not true by the way, the Mythbusters solved that one!!!)
The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.
www.miniature-earth.com It will definatly make you think. And I like things like that.
I am really glad it is the weekend. It should be a fun one. Tonight we have forensics practice, then Michelle and I are going to stay at my house for a bit. After that we are going to go to the b-ball game. Michelle works on saturday, but we are going to see the movie Juno because if we see certain movies related to Sociology we can get extra credit. Sunday I dont know what I am gonna do.
This is the first weekend in a long time where I do not work the weekend. At all! Its going to be very odd not going. But thats what happens when hours get cut!
In about two weeks we have Forensics Sub-district. Then it goes district, then state! I am getting nervous, but I always do!
Maybe another post later tonight from michelle, but I'm not sure! Anyway here are come interesting facts I came across. I don't know if they are legit, but interesting.
If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there.
No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times. ( Thats not true by the way, the Mythbusters solved that one!!!)
The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Although this week has been good, it has had many stressful momments! It keeps building up too. Hopefully things are going to be better next week.
I got some sad news last night. One of my co-workers is quiting because of another co-workers actions. It's a shame. I don't know the whole story, but I know that she was going to put in her two weeks notice last night. Except when the store closed I get calls from Michelle and Nicol that she quit that night! I stopped in the store and saw her, but I didn't think she was going to quit on the spot. I am kinda sad about this, I really liked her. She was sorta the "mom" figure at work because we have a lot of young people at the store. What really bums me out is that I didn't get to say good bye to her or anything.
I'd say there is more drama in the work force than in high school. For me anyway. Through out my school career, I never had any drama really. But at work, there always seems to be some thing. I am not sure if it's because our store is smaller than others, or what but it really sucks!
I don't understand why people just can't act like adults and be mature about things. It really bothers me. The Co-worker thats actions made the other one quit is not my most favorite person. She has said somethings that were uncalled for. Some thing that sticks out is when she said that the girls up front (cashiers/service desk) don't know what they are doing and are dumb. All of us have been working there longer than her, so I'm pretty sure we all know what we are doing.
Anyway, enough of that stuff. I guess this was more of a rant post. haha.
There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest. He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.
I got some sad news last night. One of my co-workers is quiting because of another co-workers actions. It's a shame. I don't know the whole story, but I know that she was going to put in her two weeks notice last night. Except when the store closed I get calls from Michelle and Nicol that she quit that night! I stopped in the store and saw her, but I didn't think she was going to quit on the spot. I am kinda sad about this, I really liked her. She was sorta the "mom" figure at work because we have a lot of young people at the store. What really bums me out is that I didn't get to say good bye to her or anything.
I'd say there is more drama in the work force than in high school. For me anyway. Through out my school career, I never had any drama really. But at work, there always seems to be some thing. I am not sure if it's because our store is smaller than others, or what but it really sucks!
I don't understand why people just can't act like adults and be mature about things. It really bothers me. The Co-worker thats actions made the other one quit is not my most favorite person. She has said somethings that were uncalled for. Some thing that sticks out is when she said that the girls up front (cashiers/service desk) don't know what they are doing and are dumb. All of us have been working there longer than her, so I'm pretty sure we all know what we are doing.
Anyway, enough of that stuff. I guess this was more of a rant post. haha.
There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest. He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
That was tiring!
Wow! I just had one of my most tiring gym classes! Today was our sled race. It was a lot of fun, but a lot of work. We did a pretty good job rotating, it was still tiring though. We had two people pulling, and one person in the sled. I am not sure what the rest of the week will hold for that class, but it will be intertesting I am sure.
My Sociology class was interesting today. We read this article about if the worlds population went down from 6.2 billion to 1,000. The 1,000 would form their own village. It is kind of hard to explain how it worked with out reading the article.
So I took a little quiz to see what my "real age was" I am 17 and I got:
You Act Like You Are 21 Years Old
You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel like an adult, and you're optimistic about life.You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
You're still figuring out your place in the world and how you want your life to shape up.The world is full of possibilities, and you can't wait to explore many of them.
There was a little picture for it but blogger wont let me post it. Some thing about the HTML ha.
The other day I heard something funny. Its one of those things where you don't hear the whole conversation, but then you hear something kinda odd. Heres how it went:
Girl 1- (talking about a tattoo) I want it to say love in cursive
girl 2- How, like what?
girl 1- *draws it*
girl 2- that looks like the word live ( live as in live news)
Girl 3- What? live? is that even a word?
Some people haha. Made me laugh though. Thats all from me today. I will see about getting michelle to post this weekend!
Two atoms are walking down the street and they run in to each other. One says to the other, "Are you all right?" "No, I lost an electron!" "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I'm positive!"
My Sociology class was interesting today. We read this article about if the worlds population went down from 6.2 billion to 1,000. The 1,000 would form their own village. It is kind of hard to explain how it worked with out reading the article.
So I took a little quiz to see what my "real age was" I am 17 and I got:
You Act Like You Are 21 Years Old
You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel like an adult, and you're optimistic about life.You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
You're still figuring out your place in the world and how you want your life to shape up.The world is full of possibilities, and you can't wait to explore many of them.
There was a little picture for it but blogger wont let me post it. Some thing about the HTML ha.
The other day I heard something funny. Its one of those things where you don't hear the whole conversation, but then you hear something kinda odd. Heres how it went:
Girl 1- (talking about a tattoo) I want it to say love in cursive
girl 2- How, like what?
girl 1- *draws it*
girl 2- that looks like the word live ( live as in live news)
Girl 3- What? live? is that even a word?
Some people haha. Made me laugh though. Thats all from me today. I will see about getting michelle to post this weekend!
Two atoms are walking down the street and they run in to each other. One says to the other, "Are you all right?" "No, I lost an electron!" "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I'm positive!"
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Today has been going pretty well. My group has forensics practice after school, so that will be fun. We are getting pretty good. Hopefully soon we will have our pieace memorized. I'd have to say thats the hardest part, getting things memorized.
Gym was interesting. Right now we are starting some thing kind of new. We are still on snowshoes, but now we are doing sled racing. We have three people in a group. Two people pull the sled, and one person sits in it. But we always keep rotating to make sure no one gets to tired.
It is a lot of fun, but after class is done, its really tiring. Towards the end of class our teacher told us to build a snowman. At the end of class he was telling us that the activities we do now will lead up to more team work. Simple things like building a snowman requires team work.
I really enjoy that class. I will make sure to write about what we do in that class. I know it is going to be interesting.
Work was alright last night, nothing to exciting. Some interesting phone calls to say the least.
Not much to talk about today. class is over so gotta go!!!
Gym was interesting. Right now we are starting some thing kind of new. We are still on snowshoes, but now we are doing sled racing. We have three people in a group. Two people pull the sled, and one person sits in it. But we always keep rotating to make sure no one gets to tired.
It is a lot of fun, but after class is done, its really tiring. Towards the end of class our teacher told us to build a snowman. At the end of class he was telling us that the activities we do now will lead up to more team work. Simple things like building a snowman requires team work.
I really enjoy that class. I will make sure to write about what we do in that class. I know it is going to be interesting.
Work was alright last night, nothing to exciting. Some interesting phone calls to say the least.
Not much to talk about today. class is over so gotta go!!!
Monday, February 4, 2008
It's been awhile
So I know I haven't posted in along time. Things have been kind of hecktic. I will try to recap some things.
The holidays were fun. We had our house pretty lit up by lights. My mom also had her Cocoa Cola town set up so that was cool. I liked having the tree up and all of that. When it was time to take it down things looked a lot different!
So I said to myself that I wouldn't watch the superbowl, but I ended up watching the last quater. I'd have to say, I am happy that the Giants won. Even though they beat the packers, I like the Giants way more than the patriots. I also think its cool that two years in a row the quater back was a Manning for the Superbowl. ( Colts won last year).
Here are some medical updates. I was going Physical therapy for a while to see if that would help any. The idea was that by heightening the other senses, they could take over I guess which would make me less dizzy. So I had some stuff I could do at home, but nothing really worked. The lady I had was pretty nice. As of right now I don’t go to PT.
I had another appointment with my Neurologist, just to see what path to take next. While I was there I got to see my MRI. That was pretty cool. There were tons of different angles. The brain is defiantly interesting. Anyway, so she made some appointments for me to see other doctors. One was to a Rheumatologist. That appointment was not successful at all, or a good experience, it was a tough one to go through. I didn’t like who my doctor was. He was very curt while talking. Long story short, he doesn’t know.
Up next, I have an infectious disease appointment during this month. I believe it is the 19th? But I am not positive. I think they are going to look into Lyme. In April I have an appointment with a Lyme specialist. A spinal tap may be in my future too, but that’s not certain yet.
Anyway, what else… Work is going fine. I am kind of bummed because they cut my hours, which is going to take a good chunk of my paycheck. But what can you do? My mom was saying how the next few months are slower in retail.
I also got accepted into a college. So that is good I guess. I cannot believe I am going to be graduating soon! It sure doesn’t feel like it. In Four months and 6 days high school will be over. (That’s assuming we don’t get any more snow days!)
Lets see…in school we started the new semester not to long ago. I really enjoy my classes. One of my personal favorite classes is a gym class. It is called Adventure Education. In that class we are going to be able to go rock-climbing, spelunking (which is doing things in caves), go on our schools rope course, stuff like that. Right now we are snowshoeing. I thought I was done with snowshoeing in my last semester class…haha I guess not. That’s okay though.
Right now I have study hall. So my goal for the rest of the school year is to post more. I have time to myself this hour, so that’s nice. I will probably be able to get more done. Who knows though! We will see!
Anyway, this was a long post, I don’t know if they will always be like that. Oh I am gonna see if I can try to end the posts with some interesting stuff. Maybe a joke, interesting facts, quotes, some thing like that.
I ran across this on a joke site: Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?
The holidays were fun. We had our house pretty lit up by lights. My mom also had her Cocoa Cola town set up so that was cool. I liked having the tree up and all of that. When it was time to take it down things looked a lot different!
So I said to myself that I wouldn't watch the superbowl, but I ended up watching the last quater. I'd have to say, I am happy that the Giants won. Even though they beat the packers, I like the Giants way more than the patriots. I also think its cool that two years in a row the quater back was a Manning for the Superbowl. ( Colts won last year).
Here are some medical updates. I was going Physical therapy for a while to see if that would help any. The idea was that by heightening the other senses, they could take over I guess which would make me less dizzy. So I had some stuff I could do at home, but nothing really worked. The lady I had was pretty nice. As of right now I don’t go to PT.
I had another appointment with my Neurologist, just to see what path to take next. While I was there I got to see my MRI. That was pretty cool. There were tons of different angles. The brain is defiantly interesting. Anyway, so she made some appointments for me to see other doctors. One was to a Rheumatologist. That appointment was not successful at all, or a good experience, it was a tough one to go through. I didn’t like who my doctor was. He was very curt while talking. Long story short, he doesn’t know.
Up next, I have an infectious disease appointment during this month. I believe it is the 19th? But I am not positive. I think they are going to look into Lyme. In April I have an appointment with a Lyme specialist. A spinal tap may be in my future too, but that’s not certain yet.
Anyway, what else… Work is going fine. I am kind of bummed because they cut my hours, which is going to take a good chunk of my paycheck. But what can you do? My mom was saying how the next few months are slower in retail.
I also got accepted into a college. So that is good I guess. I cannot believe I am going to be graduating soon! It sure doesn’t feel like it. In Four months and 6 days high school will be over. (That’s assuming we don’t get any more snow days!)
Lets see…in school we started the new semester not to long ago. I really enjoy my classes. One of my personal favorite classes is a gym class. It is called Adventure Education. In that class we are going to be able to go rock-climbing, spelunking (which is doing things in caves), go on our schools rope course, stuff like that. Right now we are snowshoeing. I thought I was done with snowshoeing in my last semester class…haha I guess not. That’s okay though.
Right now I have study hall. So my goal for the rest of the school year is to post more. I have time to myself this hour, so that’s nice. I will probably be able to get more done. Who knows though! We will see!
Anyway, this was a long post, I don’t know if they will always be like that. Oh I am gonna see if I can try to end the posts with some interesting stuff. Maybe a joke, interesting facts, quotes, some thing like that.
I ran across this on a joke site: Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?
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