Thursday, February 7, 2008


Although this week has been good, it has had many stressful momments! It keeps building up too. Hopefully things are going to be better next week.

I got some sad news last night. One of my co-workers is quiting because of another co-workers actions. It's a shame. I don't know the whole story, but I know that she was going to put in her two weeks notice last night. Except when the store closed I get calls from Michelle and Nicol that she quit that night! I stopped in the store and saw her, but I didn't think she was going to quit on the spot. I am kinda sad about this, I really liked her. She was sorta the "mom" figure at work because we have a lot of young people at the store. What really bums me out is that I didn't get to say good bye to her or anything.

I'd say there is more drama in the work force than in high school. For me anyway. Through out my school career, I never had any drama really. But at work, there always seems to be some thing. I am not sure if it's because our store is smaller than others, or what but it really sucks!

I don't understand why people just can't act like adults and be mature about things. It really bothers me. The Co-worker thats actions made the other one quit is not my most favorite person. She has said somethings that were uncalled for. Some thing that sticks out is when she said that the girls up front (cashiers/service desk) don't know what they are doing and are dumb. All of us have been working there longer than her, so I'm pretty sure we all know what we are doing.

Anyway, enough of that stuff. I guess this was more of a rant post. haha.

There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest. He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.


VJ said...

I'm sorry you have to deal with an disagreeable employee. Have you or anyone else talked to the bosses about her? What do they do?

Also, I love your "punny" joke. That is really, really good!

I'm glad to see that you were able to put a little humor into you life even with all the stress. That shows you are trying to show some balance. Good for you!

Kylee and Michelle said...

Our problem is that our main manager doesn't always follow through with things, which gets frusterating! She gives people to many chances. In a way its good to give chances, but peoples actions don't change.

Thanks! I try to have humor every day in my life:) Makes things a lot easier!